
In Cloud Haskell, the system topology is determined by your choice of Cloud Haskell Backend. The basic topology that Cloud Haskell currently ships with is determined by the simplelocalnet backend, which provides for a fully connected grid of nodes with optional master-slave configuration. This backend allows nodes to discover one another using UDP multicast. It is a zero-configuration backend designed to get you going with Cloud Haskell quickly without imposing any particular structure on your application.

Other backends might work in a completely different manner, offering different types of (and relationships between) nodes, or simply by handling discovery differently (e.g., pre-defined node names/addresses, or by using some form of registrar such as DNS-SD/Bonjour).

A Simple Example

Here is an example program built against the simplelocalnet backend, that periodically searches for a list of peer nodes, and sends a message to a registered (named) process on each.

import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Control.Distributed.Process
import Control.Distributed.Process.Node (initRemoteTable)
import Control.Distributed.Process.Backend.SimpleLocalnet
import Control.Monad (forever, mapM_)

main = do
  [host, port] <- getArgs
  backend <- initializeBackend host port initRemoteTable
  node    <- newLocalNode backend
  runProcess node $ forever $ do
    findPeers backend >>= mapM_ $ \peer -> nsendRemote peer "echo-server" "hello!"

Clearly the program isn’t very useful, but it illustrates the two key concepts that simplelocalnet relies on. Firstly, that we initializeBackend in order to get connected to an underlying communications infrastructure and secondly, that we can evaluate findPeers at any time to obtain the set of other nodes that have broadcast their presence.

Master Slave Configurations

Here we simply rehash the master/slave example from the simplelocalnet documentation. With the same imports as the example above, we add a no-op slave and a master that takes a list of its (known) slaves, which it prints out before terminating them all.

main :: IO ()
main = do
  args <- getArgs

  case args of
    ["master", host, port] -> do
      backend <- initializeBackend host port initRemoteTable
      startMaster backend (master backend)
    ["slave", host, port] -> do
      backend <- initializeBackend host port initRemoteTable
      startSlave backend

And the master node is defined thus:

master :: Backend -> [NodeId] -> Process ()
master backend slaves = do
  -- Do something interesting with the slaves
  liftIO . putStrLn $ "Slaves: " ++ show slaves
  -- Terminate the slaves when the master terminates (this is optional)
  terminateAllSlaves backend

Other Topologies and Backends

Many other topologies are in development, including one that runs on Windows Azure, which is available here. Some third party backends have also been developed, such as the distributed-process-p2p backend, which given a known node address, discovers and maintains knowledge of it’s peers.

Here is an example of node discovery using the distributed-process-p2p backend:

import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Control.Distributed.Process
import Control.Distributed.Process.Node (initRemoteTable)
import Control.Distributed.Process.Backend.P2P
import Control.Monad (forever, mapM_)

main = do
  [host, port] <- getArgs
  backend <- initializeBackend host port initRemoteTable
  node    <- newLocalNode backend
  runProcess node $ forever $ do
    findPeers >>= mapM_ $ \peer -> nsend peer "echo-server" "hello!"